John Whitfield, CEO of InvestorFuse, sat down with Tyler Vinsand of 757 Properties to chat about how the integration between their CRM and smrtDialer led to a massive increase in calls, opportunities, and deals.


Before using smrtDialer, Tyler and his team were using click-to-call and a ton of manual work to process leads. Now with automation and deep integration between his power dialer and his CRM, Tyler and his team has achieves more calls per manager, more opportunities in the top of the funnel, more weekly appointments, and most importantly? More deals!

The difference was staggering — and because Tyler and his team were able to save so much time they used to waste on manual work, they were able to double their marketing efforts because they have more time for inbound leads.

How Did Tyler’s Team Save So Much Time?

Tyler’s team is comprised of 3 Lead Managers, 2 Acquisition Reps, and himself. They had thousands of leads in their system, with “working leads” climbing. Tyler defines working leads as anyone who’s raised their hand and said “I have a house to sell,” making them warm opportunities he wanted to seize on. But they were using click-to-call and manually adding anyone who didn’t answer to a list for future attempts — it was wasting so much time!

Now, smrtDialer moves leads into lists for them, seamlessly integrated. When his employees sign on for the day they have lists ready to be called and easily filtered by Hot, Warm, and Cold. They’ve increased their call volume so much that they can now double their marketing output to get even more inbound opportunities flowing.

How Have Sales Improved?

Tyler shared tons of metrics to back up his improved success:

  • His team calls working leads more than once a day — sometimes up to 3 times — improving connections
  • 757 Properties’ opportunity conversion ratio climbed from 60% to 80%, meaning more of his leads turn into appointments, contracts and sales
  • Over 50% more appointments nailed down by Tyler and his team
  • Lead Managers contact over 300 leads per day, up from 60

At smrtPhone, we’ve always proclaimed the importance of having your power dialer deeply integrated with your CRM, but sometimes it’s helpful to really look at the companies and motivated salespeople who have the numbers to back it up! Tyler Vinsand used smrtDialer and InvestorFuse to make improvements across every aspect of the sales process: more calls, more appointments, more sales.

Watch the video below to hear it from Tyler himself, and sign up today for a smrtDialer trial if you want to see the benefits for yourself!