SMS Footers: What are they, and should I use them?


SMS Footers Overview 


Starting on February 3, 2025, smrtPhone is requiring that every Account configure SMS Footer Settings. It’s up to you whether you use our automatic SMS Footers, or implement your own system of keeping compliant. But let’s start at the beginning: what IS an SMS Footer? 

If your business uses text messaging in the United States, there are certain rules, regulations, and best practices that you must follow. For the most part, telecom carriers and the FTC are trying to help consumers by limiting spam text messages. There are many important components, such as registering for A2P 10DLC, gaining consent to text, and other processes like STIR/SHAKEN

Another important part of business texting is making it super clear who you are, and giving the recipient the chance to reject your text communications. smrtPhone has developed an automatic process of including this information with SMS Footers: 

  1. Use our automatic, default SMS Footer
  2. Write your own custom Footer, in your own voice
  3. Opt-out of using SMS Footers and self-manage your own compliance

In this blog, we’ll go over more detail about the changes. You can also hear from our CEO, Jordan Samuel Fleming, in his own words about this update:


What does the SMS Footer say?

As we mentioned, the SMS Footer is aiming to do two things: identify the sender and offer recipients opt-out language. In even simpler terms: you’re announcing who you are, and offering to stop communication if they say the word. 

Text message conversation including an SMS Footer that announces the company name and Opt-out language for compliance

This is done by appending the first message you send to someone, and our Standard SMS Footer offers a simple, automatic message:

“This message was sent by [Company Name]. To stop receiving text messages from this number reply with STOP.” 

Once this message is sent, you can continue your conversation as normal. 

If the person texts back STOP, they will receive confirmation that you will not text them again, and their number will be added to your Do Not Text list. No one from your Account will be able to text them again, which makes sense! Why would you want to talk to a person who is not looking to do business with you? 

Plus, it helps show the carriers you’re following the rules, and they’re less likely to throttle or block your messages. Of course, we can’t promise anything! But we’re trying to help you stay compliant and this is a great step. 


SMS Footer: 30-Day Refresh

It’s best practice to re-announce yourself and provide opt out language every 30 days. Why? Consumers get text messages all the time. They might not have saved your number, or the number has been transferred to someone else. 

Of course, this seems awkward if you’ve been talking to your contact since the first time you used the SMS Footer. Therefore any inbound text message ‘re-sets’ this 30 day clock. 

We’ve tried to make this process simple, sensible and easy while still fulfilling the requirements that carriers set out. 


SMS Footer Options

We already went over the standard, default option that smrtPhone created. If you don’t like it, you’re welcome to make your own! Here are some important things to note when crafting a customized SMS Footer: 

  • It takes 1-2 days for your Custom SMS Footer to be approved. While it’s pending review, the Standard Footer will be in place. 
  • The Custom SMS Footer will only be approved if it contains opt-out language and your company name. Head to our documentation to see the list of approved opt-out words / phrases! 

Don’t want to use our SMS Footers at all? That’s okay! We understand that there are reasons a company might not want to use them, especially if they’ve already figured out a compliance workflow on their own. We will not force any Account to use our SMS Footers. Select “Self-Manage” from the Trust Center, and sign a Declaration that says you’re still committed to compliant texting, but you don’t need our help with automatic SMS Footers. 


Frequently Asked Questions


Will there be an SMS Footer on every message?

No! SMS Footers are automatically attached in the following two scenarios: 

  • The first time you text a number 
  • Subsequent texts to a number where it has been 30+ days since your last text, and you have received no inbound text messages in that time

Think of it this way: recipients have to know who you are and how to stop receiving text messages from you, and every month you’ll remind them again. Inbound communication indicates they know who you are, so it resets the clock. 


Why is there an SMS Footer in the middle of an ongoing conversation? You said that wouldn’t happen!

We understand your frustration! smrtPhone launched SMS Footers on February 3rd, and the first time you text someone after the launch, the Footer will appear. We understand this is a bit awkward, but going forward, we promise the SMS Footer will not appear mid-conversation. It’s only on your first message to a phone number, or if it’s been over 30 days since you last texted them, and you’ve not received an inbound text message in that time. 


What if I don’t want to use the SMS Footer?

Including your company name and opt-out language when business texting is industry standard. This is from carriers who can refuse to deliver your texts, and to help you follow the TCPA. That being said, you don’t have to use smrtPhone’s automatic SMS Footers if you handle compliance on your own! We think they save time, but you’re allowed to Self-Manage the process and turn off automatic SMS Footers. 


Does the SMS Footer count towards the character limit?

Yes! Keep that in mind when crafting your first text to a number. Worst case scenario, if your text is over the character limit it will still get delivered, but it will be charged as two text messages. 


I don’t like my Custom Footer Message. Can I change it?

Yes! Just keep in mind that every time you change your Custom Footer, you’re re-submitting for review, and it could take up to 2 days. 


Why did my Custom SMS Footer get rejected? 

You should see the reason your Custom SMS Footer was rejected when you go to your Trust Center hub. Usually Custom Footers are denied for not including an acceptable Opt-out word, or not including your company name as it appears in your Business Profile. 


Does using the SMS Footer mean I’m 100% compliant in the eyes of the carriers and the FTC?

smrtPhone cannot promise anything like that! Compliance is an active, ongoing process that is contingent on many factors. The most we can do at smrtPhone is help keep our customers informed, and build out tools and processes with compliance in mind. 

The U.S. telecom industry is a constantly evolving landscape, and sometimes even the carriers (and their automated algorithms) get things wrong. Your best bet is to read up on the laws and best practices in your country, state, and city, and chat with a lawyer about your communication practices. smrtPhone gives you tools to make compliance easier, but we’re not responsible for your company’s compliance: that’s up to you. 


I don’t want to use an Automatic Footer at all. Do I have to leave smrtPhone?

Absolutely not! We aren’t forcing anyone to do anything. We’ve created a way to automate two key components of business texting because we think it’s helpful, but it is by no means an obligation. Choose to self-manage your SMS Footers by signing a Declaration and emailing it back to us. What you’re essentially saying is that you’re going to take compliance seriously, but you’ve got it under control on your own. We respect that! (Though if you’re found to be breaking the rules, carriers could block your text messages, and/or we reserve the right to apply the Standard SMS Footer to be used on your Account. We like keeping our system legitimate!) 


Happy Texting, from smrtPhone!