The Humans of smrtPhone

For our ninth installment of the series highlighting our awesome team members, we profile the “smrtie” who ensures new features perform properly: QA engineer Andreea Bonaș.


Andreea Bonaș

Title / Role in the Company

Quality Assurance Engineer. Basically, I verify new features before they go to our clients and make sure that everything is running smoothly. 

I like to say: I give the developers work. A lot of work. I’m a headache to them.

How long have you worked for smrtPhone?

Since December 2021.

What’s your background? 

I have a bachelors degree in psychology. Like a majority of people, I don’t work in the domain that I choose to study. In my second year, I realized that it’s not for me, although I continued to study it. The things they teach you in the courses are very interesting and you can learn a lot about yourself. I thought maybe in the future, I would use it. But, four years later… still no. 

What was your first job? 

After I graduated, I wanted to work in human resources. I applied to a lot of jobs and even tried for an unpaid internship, but nothing worked out. I thought, “Nobody wants me in HR, what should I do?”

I was back home with my parents, looking through the job apps. I saw that Electronic Arts was looking for game tester. It all happened really fast. I put my name in. They called me. I interviewed and that was it. That’s how I got my first job, on the Qualify Verification Team in game testing at EA.

I got lucky. The people there were awesome and I learned so much from my teammates. It was great for me personally and also professionally because I learned all about testing. 

What do you like about working for smrtPhone? 

Honestly? The team. I’m really shy. New environments can scare me. Everyone here made me feel comfortable in a really short period of time. I’m happy with the decision. We’re like a big family. 

Describe smrtPhone in 3 words: 

The People/company: Comfortable, 

The App: This is such a complex app but very intuitive.

Is there a particular moment/project at smrtPhone that stands out and makes you feel proud?  

I can think of two. One is the Salesforce integration. The moment that the integration happened, and seeing everybody so excited – it made me proud that I’m part of it. 

The second one is launching two factor authentication integration because this step makes our product even safer for our customers.

Andreea Bonaș smrtPhone QA

What do you like to do in your free time?

You’ll probably laugh, but I clean the house. I am a little of a neat freak.

I also like to play video games. My boyfriend introduced me to this one, and now I play more than him.

I like to work out a lot, especially lifting. I go to the gym in the morning but even when I’m home I’ll do some exercises. 

Name something that is on your “bucket list”

I would like to visit America. It’s something I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid, watching CSI with New York City in the background. 

I don’t normally make plans. History tells me that something will happen and ruin everything. But, sometime in my life I want to go to America. 

But something that I want that’s more near-term: I love to draw, so I am planning to buy an iPad with the pen so I can draw more.

What is a fun fact people might not know about you? 

I could relate this answer with the iPad… The bedroom that I grew up in, all the walls are filled with cartoon characters drawn by me. Minions, Pink Panther, Olaf from Frozen. It looks like a child’s room, but the funny part is that I drew them in my early 20s. 

I also love to watch Friends. I’m obsessed. I rewatch it. It puts me in a better mood every time.